[November 2022]
Only 2 months after her mid-term enrollment. She took First Eiken Junior exam! With a high score of 42 correct answers out of 45 marks! She passed the bronze level! 
[November 2022]
Congratulations on passing Eiken Grade 5
Since he joined our preschool in 2019, he studied very hard! 
We are all so proud of you!

[October 2022]
Congratulations on achieving a high score and passing Silver level of Eiken Jr.
We are proud of you!
May your efforts build up confidence and broaden your future potentials! 

[February 2021]
3 year-old and 5 year-old students passed Eiken Jr. Exam Bronze Level with full marks!!

It has only been 10 months since 5 year-old student joined Mustard Seed International Preschool; however, he has become capable of hearing English within the give time!!
Congratulations on passing the exam with full marks!!
3 year-old student could concentrate on the exam!! Great!
Congratulations on passing the exam with FULL MARKS!!
[October 2020]
This time, two students took Eiken Jr. Bronze level and one took Gold level. Usually elementary students take these exam, but all of the students passed with high scores such as full marks❗️Well done❗️
We’re so proud of you‼️
[February 2020]
Two of our 6 years old students passed the EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 5 with very high scores‼️Grade 5 is considered as the same English-language ability as the first level of junior high.
They could bear fruits through the accumulation of everyday life and studying for 3 years at the preschool

[February 2020]
A 3 years student could pass EIKEN Jr. (Silver) with FULL MARK‼️A 6 years student who just began to study English 1 year ago could pass EIKEN Jr. (Gold) with 98% accuracy‼️Congratulations

[February 2020]
Two of our 6 years old students could pass EIKEN Test in Practical English Proficiency Grade 5 with very high scores‼️Grade 5 is considered as the same English-language ability as the first level of junior high.
They could bear fruits through the accumulation of everyday life and studying for 3 years at the preschool.

[December 2019]
We presented the certification of Eiken Jr. The students who took the exam this time passed bronze level, silver level and gold level all with full marks! The students who passed the bronze level was 3 year old!! Great achievement!! Well done!! We’re proud of you‼️

EIKEN Jr. (Bronze) — FULL MARKS!!
EIKEN Jr. (Silver) — 100% ACCURACY!!
[July 2019]
We presented the certification of Eiken Jr.
This time two students took the exam of silver level and gold level and both of them passed the exams with full marks!

For one of the students, it was the first Eiken Jr. exam she took since she joined our preschool”. They learned a lot! Well done!! We’re proud of you‼️

EIKEN Jr. (Silver) — 100% ACCURACY!!
EIKEN Jr. (Bronze) — FULL MARKS!!
[November 2018]
Our preschool students have taken Eikan Jr. and this time also, all had passed the exam with full marks and excellent result‼️ Well done‼️
EIKEN Jr. (Bronze) — FULL MARKS!!
EIKEN Jr. (Silver) — 98% ACCURACY!!
EIKEN Jr. (Bronze)
[June 2018]
Our student attained BRONZE level with 100% accuracy for Eiken Jr.! FULL MARKS!!
EIKEN Jr. (Gold)
Within 11 months in 2018!!
One of our student (6 years old) passed Eiken Jr. Gold level with full marks, following Bronze level & Silver level! She scored all three levels with 100% accuracy within 10 months since she joined our preschool. Great job!! We’re super proud of you!
Happy Graduation!! 

EIKEN Jr. (Silver)
Within 8 months in 2017!!
One of our student (6 years old) passed Eiken Jr. Silver level with full marks, following Bronze level! It’s only been 8 months since she joined our preschool. Well done!! WE’RE SUPER PROUD OF YOU!