【Accepting the Intake of Students for 7th Fiscal Year】
Mustard Seed International Preschool is now recruiting the students for 7th intake!
Applications are available! If you wish to enroll, please contact us! We look forward to hearing from you!
Here’s an interview movie of the parents at Mustard Seed International Preschool. You can hear the firsthand opinion of the parents of our students.
⚠️Breaking News!!⚠️
Our student of Mustard Seed International Preschool, Toddlers Class and The Preschool Class of Church School in Mustard Seed Academy passed the preliminary exam of admission to Kyoto Compulsory Education School attached to Kyoto University of Education!!CONGRATULATIONS!Well done! We’re proud of you!!
⚠️Breaking News!!⚠️
Our student of Mustard Seed International Preschool, Toddlers Class and the Preschool Class of Church School in Mustard Seed Academy passed the admission exam of Kindai University Elementary School!! CONGRATULATIONS!!Well done! We’re proud of you!!
One of our students PASSED the entrance admission exam to Naragakuen Elementary School!!
From the Mustard Seed International Preschool, Toddlers Class and the Preschool Class of Church School in Mustard Seed Academy!