January 2023
Today we played in the snow at Keihoku Chapel!
We drew on snow with color ink, made igloo, and sled down the snow! We enjoyed playing in snow to the fullest despite the cold weather!
November 2022
We went to dig sweet potatoes.
When we arrived the sweet potato field, the students dug hard
using hands and shovels to get sweet potatoes
in the soil. When they saw sweet potatoes, they were delightfully cried out, “I can see the sweet potato!,” “It’s big!” and uncovered sweet potatoes.
After digging sweet potatoes, we went
to a park. There, we had lunch
, played with play set, played tag, etc. and enjoyed playing outside.

The next day, the students made sweet potato crafts during Art & Craft time, remembering the field trip.
How was the taste of sweet potatoes that children dug out?

April 2022
We visited Aquarium as a field trip. 
It was a combined field trip with Glory Gate International・Mission School, the primary school of Mustard Seed Academy. 

We watched dolphin show and had lunch together. 
After lunch primary school students and preschool students looked around separately. 𓆛𓆜𓆝𓆞𓆟
The students watched curiously as stingrays have meal. They were also excited to see giant salamanders, saying “Wow! Here’s salamander!!!”
They were really interested in watching sea creatures. 
November 2021
We visited Heian Mounted Police Unit. 

At first, the students were a little timid, seeing big horses up close. However, as they listened to the explanations and heard the names of the horses, they could relaxed and be able to take photos with them!!
They also had once a month opportunity to see horse shoe exchanges!!
In Japan, there are only two police mounted units: one in Tokyo and one in Kyoto!!
It was a very precious experience for us!!
To Heian Police Mounted Units members, thank you so much!!
August 2021
A very big kids house was built in Keihoku Chapel! 
The students played fully in an environment surrounded by nature! 
We set fans and tents and took water break frequently for the protection from heat stroke! 

July 2021
As a part of extracurricular study, we went to Fire Station!
The students were mazed to see how fast firefighters can change. They themselves became little firefighters! 

In the water discharge exercise, the students were excited to see how water spurt through a flat hose! 

All the staff of Ukyo Fire Station
Thank you very much for taking time and providing us the opportunity for extracurricular lesson! 

April 2021
We had a field trip to a tea farm!

The students had tasting of three kinds of tea! Using five senses, they felt the differences in their flavor, color, and texture!! 
They also experienced tea picking!!
They looked for young and soft tea leaves and picked them!!
They watched how tea leaves are ground into “matcha powder” and drank matcha made with freshly ground matcha powder!! 
All of them said “yummy!” while turning their lips green with matcha.

They are familiar with the taste of matcha since they’ve been having matcha at past tea parties!! 
We made tempura with the organic tea leaves of Azuma Tea Farm!! 
We received many souvenirs, too!! 
Thank you!! 

April 2021
We had a study trip to Kyoto City Disaster Prevention Center.

Breaking into two groups, the students experienced the earthquake of intensity 5, learned how to evacuate in case of landslide, and learned that a big fire may be caused by playing with fire and how dangerous fire is

It was a wonderful opportunity to think what we should do when we face disasters.
All the students could sit, listened the explanations well and enjoyed theaters. They’re great

April 2021
We visited Kyoto city Zoo as a field trip!

Holding hands with buddies, off we went!!
The students were very excited to see elephants bathing, a gorilla with a very good posture, and meerkats that run around
They could not wait for lunch time and said,
“I’m hungry!!”
After lunch, they enjoyed ice cream, saying “yummy!!”
We returned to the preschool, saying “I had a great time!!” to each other!
We have 2 more field trips this month
We’re so excited

March 2021
We went for strawberry picking as a field trip. 

The weather forecast for the day had been cloudy; however, the little prayer of the students were heard and it became sunny and warm! 
We prayed and praised for the good weather and the wonderful creation of God! It was the field trip in which Jesus answered our prayer!
There were only students of Mustard Seed International Preschool within PVC green house and we enjoyed the strawberry picking!
The students ate strawberry, while seeing strawberry flower and small green strawberry curiously. We ate many strawberry‼️
They were tasty! We enjoyed very much!
January 2021
Because we heard that there’s snow in Keihoku Chapel, we went there to have a snow activity!
We played with snow and made snowman and snow rabbit.
We also enjoyed painting on snow. Since we rarely have chance to play with snow in the city, all the students were very excited! 
November 2020
Though it was in November, on a warm and cheerful day, we went out to find Autumn. Seeing maple leaves
beautifully turned into orange and red, the students were saying Autumn leaves are falling down!” They picked up maple leaves that turned in scarlet and showed us, saying ”Teacher, look!” with a big smile!
November 2020
Due to rain, we went to Kyoto Municipal Science Center For Youth. The students were excited to see insect specimen. They gazed them with curiosity, saying “It’s a beetle!” and “It’s butterfly!” Some of them were a bit afraid of caterpillars that were alive. 
Watching a space show at the planetarium was also a very interesting experience for them. All of them could sit down quietly and learned about the space. 🪐 It is written in Bible that sun, moon and stars are all created by God.
How great and wonderful is God who created the heavens and earth and all that are in them! 
October 2020
We had an outdoor PE lesson in the large area of Keihoku Chapel.
Spreading the big parachute, the students enjoyed going inside, making waves, and bouncing balls using it as a trampoline. The weather forecast of the day was rain☂️ but the students prayed for the rain to be kept before leaving the school. When we arrived at Keihoku Chapel, it was a nice autumn weather and the students could run about and even enjoyed the lunch on the wood deck outside. After all the program was finished and as we started off to the preschool, it started to rain. The children shouted “THANK YOU, JESUS!” and gave thanks to Jesus who heard the prayer and suspended the rain!

October 2020
Under the splendid autumn weather, we had Art & Craft Outdoor Lesson at Keihoku Chapel. Surrounded by nature, the students spread the paints boldly using their own hands, the students made a big piece of art! They enjoyed painting as they describes the touch of paints saying ”It’s slimy!” or “Slippery!”

August 2020
Under the beautiful sunny sky in summer, we enjoyed Summer Activities at Keihoku Chapel which is surrounded by forest. 
Dressed in summer attires, such as “Jinbei,” “Yukata,” etc. we enjoyed water gun shooting, giant bubbles and indoor games! 

August 2020
At the Special Summer Course of our preschool, many fun events for Summer are planned‼️
This week, we went to Keihoku Chapel for Water Activity. Children were all excited for the water activity they love❗️Under clear blue sky, radiant smiles of children bursted in the leafy land. On the way back, they already requested, “We want to do the water activity again‼️” “I want to come again❗️” 

November 2019
We went for “Finding Autumn” in Maruyama Park. Blessed with good weather
we found many Autumn items such as red maple leaves
and pine cones.
September 2019
The students made pizza
as an educational hands-on activity. They knead and stretched the dough, put the toppings they like, put it on the oven and cut when it’s baked‼️ We brought the pizza to the preschool and had them for the lunch. The pizza made by themselves was specially tasty. The students were saying “Yummy!” They also talked about the process of making pizza: “I put sausages, potatoes, corn and cheese!” “I stretched the dough!” They all enjoyed the pizza party!
Domino Pizza, thank you for the wonderful experience‼️
September 2019
On a very nice Autumn day, we went to the field trip to Omiya Road Safety Park. We learned about traffic signals, how to cross the streets, traffic rules and drove go-carts. We had a great day! 

July 2019
We went on a field trip to Kyoto Railway Museum. The students were excited seeing many different trains and seeing the 1/80 size miniature train show. It was an enjoyable day! 

June 2019
We went to Kyoto Aquarium as a field trip. 
The students were excited at the fish and sea/river creatures‼️ They all could remain seated and watch the dolphin show. 

May 2019
We went to Keihoku Chapel as the field trip.

We had a fun time playing games in the chapel and on the wide deck. Feeling a brisk breeze, we had a lunch together outside. As we looked up, a beautiful big round rainbow appeared right above the chapel! 
It was unusual phenomenon of the sky. But that was a time when we could feel that God is watching over us.
May 2019
Strawberry Picking
We went to the strawberry
picking as a field trip in spring. After having lunch, we played in the park near by the farm and enjoyed the afternoon.
November 2018
We had a field trip to Kyoto Gosho (Old Imperial Palace) under a clear autumn sky.
The students could experience “autumn” by seeing the leaves that had turned yellow and red and picking up acorns,

and have fun time to climb up the big rocks and trees and run around cheerly.
September 2018
On a brisk autumn day, we went to the field trip to the sweet potato farm. Students enjoyed digging and harvesting big sweet potatoes.
July 2018
We visited Ukyo Fire Station. 🚒🚑👨🏻🚒👩🏼🚒
The students had a good experience, seeing the quick change of fire fighters, holding the real hose, sitting inside the fire engine, etc. The students were listening to the explanation of fire fighters with sparkling eyes. We thank all the members of Ukyo Fire Station.
June 2018
Field Trip to Omiya Road Safety Park.
Students enjoyed learning about traffic rules and played with go-carts, big sliders etc. 🚙🚘🚦🚥🏁
May 2018
Field trip to Keihoku Chapel – Outdoor Lesson
In the nice weather of May, we went to Keihoku Chapel as a field trip. In the large deck and the chapel situated in nature, students ran about and fun laughter echoed in the area.
February 2018
Field trip to Keihoku Chapel – Snow Activity
We enjoyed snow activities at Keihoku Chapel. We made a snow man, too!
November 2017
Field trip to Kyoto Botanical Garden!
Students ENJOYED learning about Autumn plants.
September 2017
Field trip to Kyoto Zoo! We had a FUN learning day!
June 2017
Day trip to Keihoku area!
May 2017
Field trip to Keihoku Chapel. Hand painting activity on “Yakusugi” Japanese cedar wood plaque–more than 500 years old tree!